Monday, January 20, 2014

part one and the first two paragraphs of part two of an unfinished untitled short story

Today is different than yesterday, the sun is smaller, and no one seems to notice.

Two years ago, some scientists in Switzerland discovered that the earth has started to move farther away from the sun; it's regular orbit has been broken. A perfect circle has now turned into a spiral that's unfurling outwards.

After 730 days of studies, observations, and experiments, no one has been able to determine what caused this. All they know is that it has something to do with gravity, and that the earth is now being pushed farther and farther away from the sun, which means it's going to get colder. No one knows if the earth's orbit is ever going to stabilize again, or if it will be flung out of the solar system. And it's still too early to determine the future timetable of events or the severity of the situation.

The day the earth broke it's orbit, was the day the voices started.

At first, they were just whispers; soft syllables that blended together to form sounds, not words. I heard them while laying in bed. I thought it was my girlfriend humming a melody, while she read the paper and ate scrambled eggs for breakfast at the kitchen table, but I realized the sounds were too disorganized to form a song, and didn't have a rhythm. It was just noise. But, as the days passed the syllables evolved into words: sad, run, cold, alone, leave, no, love, shiver, die, end, sad, no, hope, fucked, shit. In a few weeks the words evolved into sentences:  

"In three years, you will need to build a fire and wrap yourself in a blanket. No one will be there to hug you. You will start to eat parts of yourself to survive the hunger, which is okay, as long as they are unimportant. Study what's unimportant."

I wondered if it was just me, or if this was an undiscovered side effect connected to the distance between the earth and the sun. I didn't know. I asked my girlfriend, Kim, "Hey, have you been hearing anything weird lately? Like have you heard any sounds even when it is completely quiet?"

A look of concern conquered her calm facial expression.

"No. Why? What have you been hearing?"

Kim and I met on the internet over four years ago. I was hearing voices back then too. They told me to kill myself with pills, razorbaldes, falls out of windows, baths in the deep fryer at work, and nooses made out of ethernet cords because nothing will get better; there is nothing to live for. She said she was worried, and frustrated because I had a problem that could be cured, if I just sought help. I didn't. She stopped talking to me for four months because she said that whenever we talked, it made her depressed. So I went and got help, then they put me on some meds to balance me out after a short spell in the mental hospital. We started talking again. I drove nine hours to meet her, and never left.

"Oh, nothing...I think the water heater might be fucking up again. Maybe we should call the landlord tomorrow to come, and check it out? It could be nothing, but it could cause us to catch pneumonia, which has the potential to kill, or we could abstain from showers, and get fired from our jobs. Either way, he won't be getting his money. Yeah, I'll call him tomorrow. The situation can become severe at any second."

Kim shook her head from side to side, which cause her brown hair to move back and forth.  She laughed, caught her breath, and sighed.

"Okay. And make sure you explain it just like that. I'm sure he is going to be very sympathetic with our plight, and send the best water heater repair man in the county over to investigate these weird sounds, which have the potential to kill us, and/or not pay rent on time. Plus,I don't think my body can survive another week of artic showers, after the last time. I was born in a warm weather state remember? Unlike you."

"Haha. True. Well now we are in the warm weather state you were born in together. I'll get right on it."

"Bullshit. I know that phone call will be made in a month. I think you would have a decent shot at the gold if procrastination was a competitive sport at the Olympics."

"My track record doesn't lie; I've never been a punctual person, so I can't argue with you there."

The muscles in her face relaxed. She sat on my lap, and we kissed.

Before she got up, Kim stared straight into my eyes, looking for any little clue that could lead her to believe that I was hiding something. My past has always made me suspicious, and I was never a good liar.

My eyes looked left for a spit second. I didn't notice. Kim did.

"I actually think I'm going to take a shower right now. See you in 15."  

Crisis averted.

Kim stopped before the bathroom door, and stared at me sitting there eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes with milk dribbling down my chin.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Just kidding...BUSTED. She knows somethings up, just tell her the truth. Or at least a part of it. Like fuck? How'd you get a girlfriend, as amazing as Kim again? I'm surprised she's puts up with all you bullshit. For fuck's sake say something! I'm trying to help here. That's all I'm trying to do. I just want the best for you.

I close my eyes, drop the spoon, put my index fingers on my temples, and softly start rubbing them in small circular motions. My mom used to do it to me when I was little kid whenever I got upset with something. It always seemed to calm me down, but my fingertips have never been able to replicate, the feeling of relaxation and bliss.

"Honestly, I don't know."

"Maybe you should call your therapist, and schedule an appointment later this week. You know it would be for the best. Everyone needs a little help now and then. And it could also be something with your meds? You'll never know unless you go." she said in a motherly tone.

"Yeah. I'll do that."

I looked down into my cereal; the flakes were starting to break apart because they were becoming more and more waterlogged with milk, as Kim shut the bathroom door, and turned the shower and the radio on. I could her her whimpering in between songs and commercials, trying to hide her tears.

Over the course of the first three months, the temperature dropped ten degrees below average. Orange crops in Florida and California were in the midst of a genocide. 20 people committed suicide because they were unable to go on living in a world without orange juice. Most people were just mildly disappointed and able to adapt to artificial citrus flavoring.

The general public was unable to observe the sun shrinking in the sky because you had to be wealthy to afford sunglasses powerful enough to shield a person's eyes from staring directly into the sun. Majority were still looking at the ground, or at the screens of their cellphones. They knew what was happening, but it wasn't really affecting them so it didn't really matter. Some people actually thought it was kind of cool. Just another reason why earth was the most awesome planet in our solar system, and hell maybe in the entire universe.  I mean what other planet just breaks its orbit for no apparent reason, and has life on it? Earth's just a trendsetter; the moon it's bodyguard.

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