Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Document1 (Autosaved) March 26, 2013 9:37 pm

Thought about throwing a ball of venomous snakes onto a middle-aged woman wearing glasses and a sweater, and carrying a James Patterson novel as she walked past the deli counter. A taipan gets a grip on her neck, bites, and drops her, face exposed and bloated pressing against dirt covered linoleum.

Thought about people giving up handguns, and strapping up with balls of venomous snakes.

Bustin. All scales and fangs.

Smokin blunts while neurotoxins and/or hemotoxins tear up vital organs.

And we all got some shit to say just for the fuck of it.

And this is my medium/fetish:

Watching a black mamba rub its belly across middle aged lips turning blue

While crouching down with palms on knee caps.


Thought about serrating my gums with a toothbrush,

And using the blood for facepaint

Then going to the dentist,

And saying, ‘Yeah, I made a complete mess of it.”


I’m not taking a shower this morning.

Thought about smelling really bad at work,

like head cheese bad.


Sorry for being self-indulgent.

I have zero confidence.

Thought about helping you rig up

Instead of wasting my time

In front of the computer.


Yes my gums are still bleeding.

Thought about giving up because what’s the point?

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