Thursday, August 8, 2013

Flat On My Back At 5am In My Aunt's Driveway Feeling The Pressure Of Gravity Exerted Equally On All Parts Of My Body

Sorry for being allergic to dogs/cats/tree nuts.

Sorry for being fuck up.

Sorry to my college professors who believed in me and gave me a BFA in Writing and Literature for wasting my potential, and settling for day to day $8.05 life in the deli.

Sorry to David Buckley for kneeing him in the ass in fourth grade because my friends and I thought it was funny.

Sorry to my family for being an embarrassment who many of whom think is mentally unstable.
(Probably right.)

Sorry for being an hour late after I called twenty minutes earlier, and said, "Be over in five."

Sorry for coughing and having an asthma attack after we kissed.

Sorry for being a drug addict.

Sorry to James for making a pizza which I ate one piece of, and threw up immediately upon consumption, at his expense.

Sorry for taking acid instead of calling you in the midst of one of the hardest moments in your life,

(On a social caste system scale I am lower than dog cum on the side of a dumpster.)

Sorry for being to big of a pussy to commit suicide.

Sorry for being lazy.

Sorry for saying shitty things that make the people who care about me feel bad.

Sorry to my aunt and uncle for having to put up with my daily temper tantrums due to misplaced keys/drugs/cell phone/ work clothes.

Sorry for blowing my savings.

Sorry for being dependent.

Sorry for being depressed.

Sorry for hurting you the most.

Sorry for being myself.

Sorry for hating myself.

Sorry for being untrustworthy.

Sorry for making the people around me unhappy with my unhappiness.

Perpetual frowns 24/7.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Sorry that you had to read this piece of shit excuse for literature/apology.

Being online for 17 years, reading and observing other people's blog posts, news articles, I realize that I am not great at anything and have nothing original to say.

Looking up at the clouds swirl above in the opaque morning sky,
politely asking them to put the full force of their weight on my face
to help me stop breathing.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to cover everything in pandas. What do you think? Also, Eli and I are going to try and visit you on the way to Amherst.
