Saturday, August 17, 2013

New Project Idea

I have been wearing boxers since age 11 after I got made fun of for wearing tightie whities in 5th grade gym class, but I think I'm ready to branch out. Readers/friends/people who have nothing better to do should donate his/her/their underwear to me. I will wear whatever underwear you send me for a day/couple of days, and will write a review/my day(s) in the life in your underwear. One person is already down so don't be afraid. Please send a clean pair. If you can't, I guess I can do your laundry (even though one of the benefits of this project is saves me doing my own underwear laundry.) The more styles and pairs, the better. If I get enough, all of the reviews/day in the life accounts will be collected to form a larger piece. I'm also broke, need underwear, and scared to go commando after a close call with a zipper.


email: or leave a comment fore more details.

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